Function Room (Aircon Room)
- First five (5) hours - Php 3,000 Consumable for 5hrs and with one(1) hour setup time free.
- In excess of 5 hour - Php 200 per hour
- With Mobile or Sound System - Php 200 per hour
- With Airconditioning - Php 200 per hour
- Lighting or Electricity - Php 50 per hour
- Refundable Deposit - Php 2,000 Refund will be claimed a day after the event
- First five (5) hours - Php 5,000 Consumable for 5hrs and with one(1) hour setup time free.
- In excess of 5 hour - Php 300 per hour
- With Mobile or Sound System - Php 300 per hour
- With Airconditioning - Php 300 per hour
- Lighting or Electricity - Php 50 per hour
- Refundable Deposit - Php 2,000 Refund will be claimed a day after the event
Price is subject to change without prior notice. Please contact ASN office for updated price list.
Operating Hours 8:00 am to 12:00 Midnight
Four(4) units split-type airconditioning system. If there are more than 150 guests, an additional P500 will be charged for parking and security

Pavilion (Tent/Umbrella)
- Rent (maximum of 5 hours use) - Php 300 per hour and with one(1) hour setup time free.
- With Mobile or Sound System - Php 100 per hour
- Lighting or Electricity Charge - Php 50 per hour
- Refundable Deposit - Php 2,000 Refund will be claimed a day after the event
- Rent - Php 500 per hour and with one(1) hour setup time free.
- With Mobile or Sound System - Php 200 per hour
- Lighting or Electricity Charge - Php 100 per hour
- Refundable Deposit - Php 2,000 Refund will be claimed a day after the event
Operating Hours 8:00 am to 10:00 pm

Swimming Pool
- Adult - Php 50 per head
- Children (8-12 yrs old) - Php 20 per head
- Children (7 yrs old and below) - FREE
- Night Swimming - Php 1,000 maximum of 10pax (excess is 100/head)
- GUEST (Resident-Sponsor must be present at the venue. No sponsor, no use of facility)
- Adult - Php 100 per head
- Children (8 yrs old and above) - Php 50 per head
- Children (7 yrs old and below) - FREE
- Night Swimming - Php 1,000 minimum of 10pax (excess is 150/head)
Operating Hours: 7:00 am to 10:00 pm
Night Swimming: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Must be in swimming attire
Basketball Court
- Php 100 per hour. Basketball night games shall start 6:30 PM and until 9:00 PM only
- SPONSORED OR GUEST OF RESIDENTS (Resident-Sponsor must be present at the venue. No sponsor, no use of facility)
- Php 150 per hour.
Rules and Regulations
- The court can be reserved from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM only.
- 6-10 pm usage will incur costs for lights usage
- Only Bonafide Homeowners and Residents in good standing will be allowed to make reservation.
- The use of the court is on first come first served basis and shall be for an hour at a time. Extension will be allowed when there is no succeeding reservation.
- Proper playing shoes and basketball attire is recommended. Player half-naked is prohibited.
- Alcoholic beverages is not allowed within and around the court.
- There shall be reasonable fee to be charged for use of courts, lightning facilities at night.
- The management shall not be responsible for any accidents or injury which maybe sustained while playing at the court.
- The Board reserves the right to make, add, amend and of any of the approved rules.
Children's Palyground
Operating Hours: 6:00 am to 6:00 pm

Green Ribbon
Pocket Parks
Half court (P1 and P2)
Please note that all contents and images on this site- unless otherwise stated - is copyright. No portion of this Web Site may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from me.
Approved in BOD Meeting - Jan 19, 2013
Read the Rules and Regulations governing the use of Amenities and Facilities here.
For reservations please contact ASN office