Website Disclaimer
This site is being provided as a free service to the Avida Settings Nuvali Community by a volunteer/resident. This information is not an offer or solicitation to sell real estate nor should it be relied on by outside third parties for any reason. Despite my best effort to provide useful and accurate information, this website may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors or information may be changed or updated without notice. Therefore, the Avida Settings Nuvali Home Owner Association cannot warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose of the information and materials made available through this site. If you require the verification of any item of information posted within this site, please contact a board member. They will do their best to provide you with the current and accurate information in question.
Classified AdsThe Association and the site admin is not responsible or liable for any orders placed on this website. Unless otherwise noted, the Association and the site Admin does not sponsor nor is it affliated in any way with the person(s), organization(s) and or company(s)who have placed these ads. The person(s) who purchases any products take full responsibility for their order(s) and will not hold the site admin or the Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners Association responsible for the advertisers responses to their ads. The person(s), organization(s) and or company(s) who has placed an advertisement on this website take full responsibility for their products, services and or information being purchased on this site.
Please contact me if you find any errors or inaccurate information within the website. Suggestions for future modifications and/or additions to the information contained here are also welcome. Please submit all comments and suggestions using the Contact Us page. Thank you.
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