Special Homeowners Meeting Oct 10


In view of upcoming General Assembly and BOT Election on 14 Nove 2015, please be informed of:

What: Special Homeowners Meeting
When: 10 October 2015, Saturday, @3:30-4:30pm
Where: ASN Clubhouse
- Homeowners to elect members of the Nomination and Election Committee
- Discuss nomination and election process
- Open discussion related to election matter

Please find time to attend this important meeting.

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Formation of Special Election Committee


CIRCULAR NO.: 2015-08-02

Dear Homeowners,
In view of our upcoming Elections in November 2015, the Board of Trustees is calling for volunteers who will comprise our Special Committee on Election. This Committee, which shall be composed of five(5) regular members in good standing, shall perform the following duties and responsibilities, in compliance with our existing By-lawws:

  • Control and supervision of the election
  • Accept nominations in writing from the members
  • Adopt the rules of procedure for balloting and nomination
  • Act as election inspectors
  • Ensure the proper and orderly conduct of election
  • Hear and decide election protests
Members of this Committeemay not themselves be nominated to the Board of Trustees.
Involvement of our homeowners will ensure broader participation and help better organize the Election process.
For interested homeowners, please visit Admin Office and look for Ms. Alvy Jane Roque or Ms. Eden dela Cruz.

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