New Amenities Rates

by on 28 May 2014 in | 0 comments


Please be informed of the new rates for amenities usages as follows:

Homeowner P5000 first 4 hrs P3000 first 4 hrs P300/hr P700/hr 150/hr
Guest P7500 first 4 hrs P6000 first 4 hrs P500/hr P1000/hr 250/hr
Additional Hr P1000/hr P500/hr P100/hr P250/hr 100/hr
Security Deposit P2000
  • 1 hr ingress and 1 hr engress
  • parking facilities
  • use of pantry area
  • Security, Engineering and Maintenance Staff support
Note: for Homeowners Only
Function room rental minimum of 2 hrs.
P2000 with aircon
P1500 w/o aircon
Early ingress of P2000 for 3 hrs.
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APMC Survey 2014

by on 23 May 2014 in | 8 comments

APMC is asking for some feedback through survey but let me share it here. And hope you share your thoughts also by writing comments/rating below.


  1. Very Dissatisfied current system needs to be changed and action should be done immediately
  2. Dissatisfied needs major improvement to be able to reach standards
  3. Satisfied up to standards; minor improvement needed
  4. Very Satisfied tends to exceed standards; only minimal improvement needed, if any
A. Property Management
  1. Urgent Repairs How satisfied were you with the speed at which the Property Manager responded to your urgent repair needs - i.e., we are referring to the first reponse that may not necessarily have meant a fix to the problem, but at least made you feel that things were under control?
  2. Property Management's Accessibility How satisfied are you with the Property Management Group in terms of their accessibility (e.g., can be contacted, approached or seen)?
  3. Property Manager's Competency How satisfied are you that the Property Management can identify what needs to be done concerning your request?
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Southern Luzon Hospital and Medical Center Doctor's Schedule

by on 21 May 2014 in | 10 comments

I would like to share with you the Doctor's Clinic Schedule in SLHMC as of May 2014.

Southers Luzon Hospital and Medical Center is located in Greenfield City, Brgy. Don Jose, Sta Rosa City, Laguna and currently the nearest hospital in Nuvali (well until the contruction of the UPMC or the University Physicians Medical Center located beside Shell Nuvali will be completed).

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2014 ASNHOAI Car Sticker

by on 28 Mar 2014 in | 6 comments

2014 Car Sticker is now available at the ASN Clubhouse Office

  • For Security Reasons, stickers will only be issued to Homeowners, Tenants, and School Services
  • Requirements:
    1. Updated Association Dues
    2. OR and CR of the vehicle
    3. Driver's License
    4. ID Picture
    5. Endoresement of the Property Owner/Signed Application Form for Tenants and School Services
  • 2013 ASNHOAI Sticker is valid only until April 30, 2014
  • Cost:
    • First Car: 150 pesos
    • Second Car: 250 pesos
    • Third Car: 500 pesos
    • First Motorcycle: 100 pesos
    • Second Motorcycle: 200 pesos
  • First Car is FREE if 2014 Association Dues was paid in full on or before February 28, 2014.
  • Process: Fill up the application form (you can get application form from the clubhouse office) and submit all the above requirements in the ASN clubhouse office. Be sure to bring the vehicle for immediate release of your sticker.
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Be a Fire and Rescue Volunteer

by on 26 Mar 2014 in | 6 comments

Volunteering with Poseidon Trident Fire and Rescue Group

As a member of UNITED FIRE ASSOCIATION of the Philippines, we recruit, provide first aide training and train volunteers to assist us with meeting the needs of our local communities especially Nuvali and NCR area.

As a volunteer you will make a vital contribution by helping to provide fire safety advice and practical assistance to your community and if a volunteer is catching up with firefighting skill, he can be a part of the group as a first aid responder.

Fire and Rescue Volunteer

Volunteers come from all walks of life. No matter what your skills and knowledge are, the most important thing is your time and commitment.

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